Results for 'Robert B. Aird'

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  1. Foundations of Modern Neurology: A Century of Progress.Robert B. Aird & Ernst Florey - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (3):503.
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    Robert B. Brandom, Articulating Reasons (An Introduction to Inferentialism). [REVIEW]Robert B. Brandom - 2001 - Erkenntnis 55 (1):121-127.
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  3. Kant's Virtue Ethics: Robert B. Louden.Robert B. Louden - 1986 - Philosophy 61 (238):473 - 489.
    Among moral attributes true virtue alone is sublime. … [I]t is only by means of this idea [of virtue] that any judgment as to moral worth or its opposite is possible. … Everything good that is not based on a morally good disposition … is nothing but pretence and glittering misery. 1.
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  4. The Greeks and Us: Essays in Honor of Arthur W. H. Adkins.Robert B. Louden & Paul Schollmeier (eds.) - 1996 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Arthur W. H. Adkins's writings have sparked debates among a wide range of scholars over the nature of ancient Greek ethics and its relevance to modern times. Demonstrating the breadth of his influence, the essays in this volume reveal how leading classicists, philosophers, legal theorists, and scholars of religion have incorporated Adkins's thought into their own diverse research. The timely subjects addressed by the contributors include the relation between literature and moral understanding, moral and nonmoral values, and the contemporary meaning (...)
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    Overdoing Democracy: Why We Must Put Politics in its Place.Robert B. Talisse - 2019 - New York: Oup Usa.
    In Overdoing Democracy, Robert B. Talisse turns the popular adage "the cure for democracy's ills is more democracy" on its head. Indeed, he argues, the widely recognized, crisis-level polarization within contemporary democracy stems from the tendency among citizens to overdo democracy. When we make everything--even where we shop, the teams we cheer for, and the coffee we drink--about our politics, we weaken our bonds to one another, and work against the fundamental goals of democracy. Talisse advocates civic friendship built (...)
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    Blumenberg and the Modernity Problem.Robert B. Pippin - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 40 (3):535 - 557.
    In the long aftermath of such modernist suspicions about the still dominant "official" Enlightenment culture, the very title of the recently translated book by Hans Blumenberg is a bluntly direct invitation to controversy--The Legitimacy of the Modern Age. For Blumenberg, when Giordano Bruno, condemned to burn at the stake in 1600, defiantly turned his face from a crucifix offered him as a last chance at redemption, the heroic gesture should be seen as just that, heroic and historically decisive, a rejection (...)
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    Concluding Remarks.Robert B. Pippin - 2010 - In Hegel on Self-Consciousness: Desire and Death in the Phenomenology of Spirit: Desire and Death in the Phenomenology of Spirit. Princeton University Press. pp. 88-98.
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    Naturalität und Geistigkeit in Hegels Kompatibilismus.Robert B. Pippin - 2001 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 49 (1):45-64.
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    Kant's impure ethics: from rational beings to human beings.Robert B. Louden - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first book-length study in any language to examine in detail and critically assess the second part of Kant's ethics- -an empirical, impure part, which determines how best to apply pure principles to the human situation. Drawing attention to Kant's under-explored impure ethics, this revealing investigation refutes the common and long-standing misperception that Kants ethics advocates empty formalism. Making detailed use of a variety of Kantian texts never before translated into English, author Robert B. Louden reassesses the (...)
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    Patrick R. Frierson , What Is the Human Being? Reviewed by.Robert B. Louden - 2013 - Philosophy in Review 33 (6):461-463.
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    A comparison of speech perception and spatial localization.Robert B. Welch - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (4):776-777.
  12. The psychiatrist as moral advisor.Robert B. Redmon - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (4).
    This paper is a critique of a paper by Robert Lipkin [1]. Arguments for the following claims are put forward: (1) that what is essential to the psychiatric relationship is what we want it to be for utilitarian reasons; (2) it would not be to our advantage to allow the medicalization of morality; (3) what we should expect from the psychiatrist is prudential advice, not moral advice, and that Lipkin has a confused view about the relationship between these two (...)
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    Kant's Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy (review).Robert B. Louden - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):142-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant's Theory of Virtue: The Value of AutocracyRobert B. LoudenAnne Margaret Baxley. Kant's Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy. Cambridge-New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Pp. xvi + 189. Cloth, $85.00.Back in the early 1980s, Anglophone philosophers began to seriously explore the nature and role of virtue in Kant's ethics. This development itself was the result of a confluence of three other phenomena: (1) the growing influence (...)
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    Accountability in education: a philosophical inquiry.Robert B. Wagner - 1989 - New York: Routledge.
    Accountability in Education discusses the debate surrounding the accountability of teachers and questions the responsibility that parents, other groups and even children themselves have for their experience at school. In this book, Robert Wagner examines the assumptions underlying criticisms of major institutions for their lack of attention to the ethical and practical ramifications of their policies. Wagner questions the validity of this assumption by analyzing accountability relationships in schools, discussing the responsibility students have for the quality of their own (...)
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    Responses.Robert B. Pippin - 2016 - In Waldemar Zacharasiewicz & Ludwig Nagl, Ein Filmphilosophie-Symposium Mit Robert B. Pippin: Western, Film Noir Und Das Kino der Brüder Dardenne. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 219-238.
  16.  46
    Recovering American Philosophy.Robert B. Talisse - 2013 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 49 (3):424.
    In The American Pragmatists Cheryl Misak (2013) offers a highly compelling and nuanced account of pragmatism’s founding and development. Her narrative is also unorthodox, as it undermines the story of pragmatism’s past that prevails among contemporary classical pragmatists.1 That Misak gladly acknowledges the deep sympathies between pragmatism and logical empiricism (2013: 156) is enough to place The American Pragmatists far outside the mainstream of classicalists’ self-understanding. Refreshingly, Misak’s book demonstrates just how distorted that self-understanding is. Yet Misak’s achievement is not (...)
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  17.  23
    The Bad, The Wrong, and The Unjust: A Comment on Rondel’s Pragmatist Egalitarianism.Robert B. Talisse - 2019 - Contemporary Pragmatism 16 (4):311-320.
    In his Pragmatist Egalitarianism, David Rondel proposes a “pluralist egalitarianism” as a pragmatist resolution to longstanding debates over egalitarian justice. On Rondel’s view, egalitarianism has three distinct and irreducible variables. In this comment, I argue that pluralist views generally do not reconcile anything, but instead posit sites of normative conflict that are in principle invulnerable to remediation by human intelligence. I then propose that although Rondel might be correct to identify three distinct sites of egalitarian concern, there remains reason to (...)
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    Collingwood’s Metaphysics.Robert B. Davidson - 1973 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):49-56.
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    Christian Virtues and the Doctrine of the Mean.Robert B. Kruschwitz - 1986 - Faith and Philosophy 3 (4):416-428.
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    Perspectives from a Varied Career.Robert B. Edgerton - 1999 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27 (1):49-53.
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    An Application of Bayes' Theorem to Population Genetics.Robert B. Gardner & M. C. Wooten - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 71:136-151.
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    American Memory in Henry James: Void and Value.Robert B. Pippin - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (1):168-168.
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    The Public Interest and Business Decisions.Robert B. Ashmore - 1981 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 55:278-287.
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    Comment on the exchange of theoretical notes between Smith and Black and Lang.Robert B. Malmo - 1965 - Psychological Review 72 (3):240-241.
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  25. Schleiermacher, Friedrich.Robert B. Louden - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
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  26. Tibetan Voices.Robert B. Ekvall - 1946
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    Solución agustiniana de los problemas doctrinales.Robert B. Eno & E. Larlar - 1981 - Augustinus 26 (103-104):39-48.
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    Symbioses Can Transcend Particularisms: A Memoir of Friendship with Ralph Wendell Burhoe.Robert B. Glassman - 1998 - Zygon 33 (4):661-683.
    Ralph Burho's paradigmatic scientific innovation is the extension of the concept of symbiosis to coadapted human genotypes and “culturetypes,” centered on religion. Civilization also requires a coexistent secular arena, where religion's nearness may help prevent our natural synergistic instrumentalizations of each other from degrading to losses of respect for one another as responsible free agents. The mixed messages in the Bible's diverse stories help to preserve a richness of choices in memory as we navigate history. We science‐and‐religion theorists should expand (...)
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    History and Moral Inquiry.Robert B. Westbrook - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (2):389-408.
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    Beyond attachment?Robert B. Cairns - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (3):441-441.
  31. Power, Politics, and the Making of the Bible: An Introduction.Robert B. Coote & Mary P. Coote - 1990
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    PAD: the smoking gun behind arginine methylation signaling?Robert B. Denman - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (3):242-246.
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    The ethics of citizenship.Robert B. Talisse - 2014 - The Philosophers' Magazine 64:99-104.
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    Natural law and the free church tradition.Robert B. Kruschwitz - 2004 - In Mark J. Cherry, Natural Law and the Possibility of a Global Ethics. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 149--162.
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    Doing Dewey: An Autobiographical Fragment.Robert B. Westbrook - 1993 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 29 (4):493 - 511.
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    Democratic Faith: A Response to Michael Eldridge.Robert B. Westbrook - 1996 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 32 (1):31 - 40.
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    Abundant nature's long-term openness to humane biocultural designs.Robert B. Glassman - 2009 - Zygon 44 (2):355-388.
    Not by Genes Alone excellently explains Peter J. Richerson and Robert Boyd's important ideas about human gene-culture co-evolution to a broader audience but remains short of a larger vision of civilization. Several decades ago Ralph Burhoe had seen that fertile possibility in Richerson and Boyd's work. I suggest getting past present reductionistic customs to a scientific perspective having an integral place for virtue. Subsystem agency is part of this view, as is the driving role of abundance, whose ultimate origins (...)
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    Sustaining Democracy: What We Owe to the Other Side.Robert B. Talisse - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    Democracy is not only a form of government. It is also the moral aspiration for a society of self-governing political equals who disagree about politics. Citizens are called on to be active democratic participants, but they must also acknowledge one another's political equality. Democracy thus involves an ethic of civility among opposed citizens. Upholding this ethic is more difficult than it may look. When the political stakes are high, the opposition seems to us tobe advocating injustice. Sustaining Democracy poses the (...)
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    Moralität für Menschen: Ethische Theorie in Kants Vigilantius-Vorlesung.Robert B. Louden - 2015 - In Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Robert Louden, Claudio La Rocca & Bernd Dörflinger, Kant's Lectures / Kants Vorlesungen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 179-194.
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    Peter Szendy , Kant in the Land of Extraterrestrials: Cosmopolitical Philosofictions . Reviewed by.Robert B. Louden - 2014 - Philosophy in Review 34 (6):339-341.
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    Liberty and Community: The Political Philosophy of William Ernest Hocking.Robert B. Thigpen - 1972 - The Hague,: Springer.
    This study of the political philosophy of William Ernest Hocking be gan as a doctoral dissertation at Tulane University. Hocking (1873- 1966) was for many years Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity at Harvard University. Although he is relatively well-known among American philosophers, particularly by students of metaphysics and the philosophy of religion, very little atten tion has been given to his political philosophy. Some general studies of his thought summarize his political writings in a very (...)
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    The harbor at Pylos, 425 B.C.Robert B. Strassler - 1988 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 108:198-203.
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    Education: Transdisciplinary science and the graduate curriculum.Robert B. Lawson - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (2):89-90.
    In the accompanying article contributed by Robert B. Lawson, proposals are made for revising the curriculum for doctoral students in biology in order to enhance a transdisciplinary awareness of biological science. The article is written mainly in the context of Dr Lawson's role as a scientist and educator in the United States. BioEssays will welcome articles along similar lines from educators in other countries. These should be sent to the Staff Editor, Dr Adam S. Wilkins.
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    Von der Begriffsanalyse zu einer systematischen Metaphysik.Robert B. Brandom - 1999 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 47 (6):1005-1022.
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  45. Diskussionsbemerkung. Herta Nagl-Docekal: Film als Tugendlehre? Eine Diskussionsbemerkung zu Robert Pippins Deutung von le Fils. Replik.Robert B. Pippin - 2016 - In Waldemar Zacharasiewicz & Ludwig Nagl, Ein Filmphilosophie-Symposium Mit Robert B. Pippin: Western, Film Noir Und Das Kino der Brüder Dardenne. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Fighting Skepticism with Skepticism.Robert B. Brandom - 2000 - Facta Philosophica 2 (2):163-178.
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    Synopsis of Overdoing Democracy.Robert B. Talisse - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Research 46:141-143.
    A brief synopsis of Overdoing Democracy: Why We Must Put Politics in its Place (Oxford University Press, 2019), which introduces the book.
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    History, Metaphors, Fables. A Hans Blumenberg Reader.Robert B. Pippin - 2021 - Philosophical Quarterly 71 (3):669-672.
    History, Metaphors, Fables. A Hans Blumenberg Reader. Edited, translated, and with an introduction by BajohrHannes, FuchsFlorian, and KrollJoe Paul.
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    The Frozen Face Effect: Why Static Photographs May Not Do You Justice.Robert B. Post, Jason Haberman, Lica Iwaki & David Whitney - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    The opening of the Pylos campaign.Robert B. Strassler - 1990 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 110:110-125.
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